Category Archives: Newsletters

Your Heart Centred Fortune


Last newsletter I went through the whole concept of meaning, message and mission and I just want to follow on from that. Because I am really on a mission here. For those who don’t know, I am all about educating, inspiring and …
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Living on Purpose


What does it to mean to be living on purpose? What does it mean to have courage, clarity and commitment to go out and step forth into your uniqueness? Step forth into what you born to do, just doing what you love …
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Today I am actually coming to you live from a hotel room in the middle of Brisbane. What I want to share with you is the importance of Being on Purpose. I just spent a day at the Australian Zoo and …
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Daily Practice


Today I want to talk to you about Daily Practice. One of the things people often ask me is:

“When can I give up personal development? When I will make it to the place where I just get this consistent momentum in my life?”.

The truth is NEVER. You’re never going to get there if you have that type of mindset. Personal development is like a daily practice. It’s something you need to get inside your mind, ritualize it and then embody it. And you need to consistently do this.
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Take Action


Welcome to 2012. I hope you have your year mapped out and I hope you have some goals and are inspired by what this year is going to bring for you.

Now today I want to show you a very simple and effective technique that I have been using for years to that allows me to take action. If you want to know how to achieve what you want this year, the secret is to Take Action.

Now actions are based on decisions you take and decisions you take are based onthoughts and feelings and way you move your physical body. So one of things that I like to do when I am struggling with the goal I want to achieve is to ask myself two very simple questions:
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Yearly Focus Points


Hey, welcome everybody to our last Newsletter for the year. I just want to wish you a happy festive season. I hope this year has been everything that you’ve wished for.

I would like to thank you from my heart to yours for being part of our journey this year. We’ve had a fantastic time. I’m really grateful that you’re a part of that and grateful that you allowed us to share what we love doing most.

I’ve just spent seven days in the mountains, in silence actually, clearing my mind getting ready for 2012 and I wanted to give you a bit of a gift to see the year out. If you haven’t already set your goals for next year, then download the sheets below:
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