

“To educate and inspire people to live their love.”

I am passionate about helping you unlock your authentic self, live a rich & balanced life,
and expand your circle of wealth and happiness to others.


To educate and inspire people by creating Australia’s greatest personal development
community and most effective hub of world-class
courses, coaches and online resources.

To provide easy, fun and practical solutions to everyday
life and business problems at a fair price.


Walk In Their Shoes
To truly help someone (from sending an email to designing a course) I see things from the other person’s perspective. This means getting outside of ourselves and walking in their shoes.
Speak From The Heart, Fearlessly
If I am thinking or feeling something I express it without hesitation. I believe that in the long run, this means more fun and effectiveness with our colleagues and customers.
Play Is Work | Work Is Play
I believe our products and courses are good because I enjoyed creating them. I encourage blurring the lines between work and play. After all, it’s ALL living.
Be The Change
I walk my talk knowing that change is created through our actions, not just our words. I like to echo Gandhi’s wisdom and “Be the change I wish to see in the world”.
Act On Inspired Thoughts
Inspiration fuels us. So when I get an inspired thought I ensure I act on it until it comes into reality. This means my courses and resources have innovation…and all other things good!

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