Take Action

Welcome to 2012. I hope you have your year mapped out and I hope you have some goals and are inspired by what this year is going to bring for you.

Now today I want to show you a very simple and effective technique that I have been using for years to that allows me to take action. If you want to know how to achieve what you want this year, the secret is to Take Action.

Now actions are based on decisions you take and decisions you take are based onthoughts and feelings and way you move your physical body. So one of things that I like to do when I am struggling with the goal I want to achieve is to ask myself two very simple questions:

Question 1 – What’s stopping me? I write down as many answers I can. So say for example I want to record a newsletter and I am sitting there procrastinating for 5 hours, 3 days and I haven’t recorded the newsletter for the month then I just simply ask myself what’s stopping me? And I write it down. Maybe I need to get the camera lighting right, maybe I don’t know what topic that I want to share with you.

Question 2 – What would have to happen in order for me to start immediately? Then I just write down whatever the answers to that. What I do with is look for the answer that is most likely to create the most amount ofmomentum towards the goal. So for recording newsletter for example: I have to set the camera. I have to get my microphone pull mic attached to my shirt.

Once I know that is, I can get those tasks underway and then start moving towards my goals. I hope this assists you since it’s a very simple way to ensure you achieve lots of your goals throughout 2012.

I do want to just mention we do have a short course coming up called The Biology of Action. It’s a one day course and the course normally sells for $197 dollars but we are doing online special at the moment BUT if you just look down below there is actually a link that will allow you to attend the course for just 27 dollars.

It’s a full day course where you will have your entire 2012 mapped out. We’ll show you some incredible techniques and strategies for breaking down goals and creating action plans.

We will teach you strategic engineering for managing tasks and the four step R.E.P.S system that I have been using to literally achieve all the goals that I have ever written down on my goals list. So I would love you to come along. There’s going to be heaps of fun and entertainment. You will meet whole new group of people. If you haven’t attended one of the events before, you get to join authentic community and see what’s it all about.

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